Welcome to Vraj Gau Sevanam
Protecting and preserving indigenous cattle breed in Vrindavan through social workshops and activities.

First of all
Indigenous Cattle Breeds
We work towards the preservation and protection of indigenous cattle breeds in Vrindavan Dham through various social workshops and awareness programs.
Not to mention
Social Workshops
Our organization conducts social workshops on indigenous cattle breeds to create awareness about their importance in our society and to promote their conservation.
And let's not forget
Non-Profit Organization
As a non-profit organization, our primary focus is to work towards the betterment of the indigenous cattle breed in Vrindavan Dham and to promote sustainable agriculture.
About us
Vraj Gau Sevanam is a registered non-profit organization in Vrindavan Dham working towards the protection and preservation of indigenous cattle breed. We organize social workshops and activities to create awareness about the importance of these breeds in our society and promote sustainable agriculture.